How To Start Calisthenics | Beginner’s Guide To Bodyweight Exercises

How to start calisthenics - woman doing pull ups

Feeling lost in the fitness jungle?

I found calisthenics during the lockdown era, as I discovered how Calisthenics practitioners were ditching the weights and machines and not needing an expensive gym membership.

✏️ Then I started practicing some basic calisthenics exercises, to find soon that I was transforming my body, gaining strength, flexibility, and endurance through bodyweight exercises

This beginner’s guide is your first step toward mastering movements that sculpt your physique and improve your overall fitness.

Whether you’re looking to incorporate calisthenics into your workout routine or searching for an accessible path to fitness, calisthenics provides a foundation for sustainable progress.

Keep reading to discover how simple, effective exercises can unlock your potential to build muscle and elevate your fitness journey.

▶️ How To Start Calisthenics If You Are A Newbie

How to start calisthenics and tips for beginners

1️⃣ Warm-Up

✏️ Warming up is super important because it prepares your body for the exercise by increasing blood flow to muscles, enhancing flexibility, and reducing the risk of injury

✏️ It also increases your heart rate, conditioning your body for the coming workout.

✏️ A good warm-up can include dynamic stretches and light cardio like burpees, which set your body ready for your training session.

2️⃣ Master the Fundamentals

✏️ Mastering the fundamentals of calisthenics involves focusing on proper form and technique in basic exercises like squats, push-ups, pull-ups, and lunges

✏️ These foundational movements build strength, flexibility, and balance, serving as the building blocks for more advanced calisthenics training skills.

I created an extensive list of calisthenics exercises with some videos included that will help you master the fundamentals. Make sure you check it out.

3️⃣ Cool-Down 

✏️ Cooling down and stretching after exercising helps gradually lower your heart rate and aids in the recovery process, it may reduce muscle stiffness and soreness, promoting flexibility.

The transition back to a resting state supports overall workout recovery and prepares your body for the next exercise session.

This article from WebMD states: “…some stretching, it’s a nice way to end a workout…”

4️⃣ Listen to Your Body

✏️ In calisthenics, you can adjust the exercises to suit your fitness level and help build muscle, ensuring you can perform movements safely and effectively. 

✏️ For example, beginners might do knee push-ups instead of full push-ups or assisted squats using a chair for balance.

These modifications help maintain proper form, reduce injury risk, and gradually build strength, allowing for progressive improvement and adaptation to more challenging exercises.

▶️ Why Calisthenics Is Perfect For Beginners

Why calisthenics is perfect for beginners

✏️ Calisthenics is a form of exercise ideal for beginners because it uses body weight for resistance, making it accessible to various fitness levels, especially for beginners

✏️ Some nay-sayers complain that calisthenics is not a form of strength training, but if you are able to lift ANYTHING – including yourself – then I consider calisthenics to be strength training because your weight is a form of resistance

Calisthenics includes basic exercises like push-ups, squats, and lunges, which beginners can progress in difficulty at their own pace.

It is a physical activity that you can practice anywhere, and it lays a foundation for more advanced exercises.

✏️ It improves strength, flexibility, and endurance without needing gym equipment and memberships

To begin with, focus on fundamental movements, learn the proper form, and gradually increase the difficulty to avoid injury.

In calisthenics, you can stay injury-free, which means you can continue to work out and ensure consistent progress.

Some of the advantages include:

  • ✅ Accessible and convenient: No gym membership or equipment needed. You can train anywhere, anytime.
  • ✅ Cost-effective: No equipment costs; perfect for budget-conscious fitness enthusiasts.
  • ✅ Functional strength: Builds real-world strength applicable to daily activities and sports.
  • ✅ Balance and Coordination: Enhances body awareness, balance, and coordination through compound movements.
  • ✅ Improves mobility and flexibility: Exercises often incorporate full range of motion, promoting joint health.
  • ✅ Low impact: gentler on joints compared to high-impact weight training.
  • ✅ Reduced Injury Risk: Lower impact on joints compared to heavy weightlifting.
  • ✅ Scalable: Modify exercises to suit your fitness level, making them accessible to everybody.
  • ✅ Balance and Coordination: Enhances body awareness, balance, and coordination through compound movements.
  • ✅ Social: This can be done individually or with others for added motivation and fun.
  • ✅ Boosts mental well-being: Studies show exercise improves mood and reduces stress.

I created an entire article on the benefits of calisthenics, detailing all you need to know about the benefits of bodyweight training.

▶️ No Equipment? No Problem! Your Calisthenics Workout Plan

7 day calisthenics workout plan

✏️ Getting started with calisthenic exercises is super easy, because you can do it without any equipment and still exercise various muscle groups to gain muscle mass.

This workout your entire body, including your lower body which is sometimes neglected in calisthenics. 

The following exercises can be done without any equipment:

🔆 Monday

  • Incline push ups (1) – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Bodyweight squats – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Towel to chest pull ups – – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Knee hugs-  3 sets – 10 reps 
  • Half burpees (2) – 3 sets – 60 seconds

(1) Find a surface about 50 cm high. Make sure it’s hard and not soft. If the exercise is too difficult, or too easy, adjust the height of the surface accordingly.(2)  Jump, get down into the push up position, but without doing the actual push up. Then get back up and repeat.

⛱️ Tuesday – Rest Day – Active Recovery

🔆 Wednesday

  • Back extensions – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Lunges – 3 sets – 10 reps per leg
  • A-frame hold – 3 sets – 20 seconds hold
  • Dead bug  – 3 sets – 10 reps per leg
  • Calve rises – 3 sets – 10 reps per leg

⛱️ Thursday – Rest Day – Active Recovery

🔆 Friday

  • Single leg glute bridges – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Pike push ups-  3 sets – 10 reps 
  • Knee Side plank hold – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Push ups negatives – 3 sets – 10 reps
  • Tucked hollow body hold – 2 sets – 60 seconds – as many reps as you can in thos 60 seconds.

⛱️ Saturday and Sunday – Rest Day – Active Recovery

How to start calisthenics and what is active recovery

▶️ Essential Equipment Recommended And Space Requirements

For calisthenics beginners, the minimum equipment I would recommend is (if you can afford them):

  • ✅ A pull-up bar for upper body exercises like pull-ups and chin-ups,
  • ✅ A set of parallel bars or dip bars for dips and leg raises,
  • ✅ An exercise mat for floor exercises and stretching to provide comfort.
  • ✅ Resistance bands can also assist with exercises like the assisted pull-ups, or add resistance to your squats.
  • For intermediates, external weights like weight discs, weighted belts, and weighted vests are often used.

They will support a wide range of exercises, allowing for a comprehensive full-body workout. 

✏️ In terms of space, you need enough space to move freely without obstruction.

Just have enough room to extend arms and legs fully in all directions, a safe area for jumping and lying down, and enough ceiling height for jumping and pull-ups if you are more advanced.

✏️ Ideally, a space of at least 10×10 feet (3×3 meters) approx is good for most exercises, with additional clearance for equipment like pull-up bars. 

Outdoor spaces like parks can offer more room for your workouts.

▶️ Setting Realistic Goals And Tracking Progress

✏️ For calisthenics beginners, setting realistic goals involves identifying achievable milestones, such as mastering a set number of push-ups or holding a plank for a certain time.

✏️ Start with small, attainable objectives and gradually increase the challenge.

✏️ Progress can be tracked through a workout journal, noting improvements in reps, form, sets, and rest.

I have recorded every single workout I have done in the last decade. Tracking workouts is the only way to notice if you have improved or not made any progress. 

✏️ Regularly assess and adjust goals to reflect your current fitness level and keep motivation high. 

Make sure you read my detailed article on how to progress in calisthenics, based on the principle of progressive overload

▶️ Nutrition And Calisthenics

How to start calisthenics and balance diet tips for calisthenics beginners
How to start calisthenics and balance diet tips for calisthenics beginners

Your body needs the right building blocks (nutrients) to repair and grow muscles after workouts. 

Here are some general guidelines on nutrition:

  • ✅ Protein is Key: It’s the building block of muscles. Aim for high-quality sources like chicken, fish, beans, and tofu. Consume enough protein throughout the day to support muscle repair and growth. Aim for 0.8-1 gram of protein per pound of body weight daily.
  • ✅ Carbohydrates Fuel Your Workouts: They provide the energy you need to perform at your best. Focus on whole grains, fruits, and vegetables for sustained energy.
  • ✅ Healthy Fats Are Essential: They support hormone production, which is important for muscle growth. Include sources like avocados, nuts, and olive oil in your diet.
  • ✅ Timing Matters: Eating protein and carbs soon after your workout can help optimize muscle repair and growth.
  • ✅ Balance is Important: Ensure your diet is balanced and includes a variety of nutrients to support overall health and muscle building.

Nutrition tips:

  • ✅ Spread your protein intake: Aim for small, protein-rich meals/snacks throughout the day, not just after workouts.
  • ✅ Prioritize whole, unprocessed foods: Think fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean protein sources, and healthy fats. They contain the nutrients your body needs for optimal muscle building.
  • ✅ Stay hydrated: Water is crucial for all bodily functions, including muscle recovery. Aim for 8 glasses of water daily, more if you sweat a lot during workouts.
  • ✅ Consider supplements: While not a magic bullet, protein powder can be a convenient way to boost your daily intake. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice on supplements.
  • ✅ Use a food-tracking app. I have been tracking my food for over a decade; this helps me control my calories and protein consumption as my focus is to build muscle and stay as lean as possible. You need to eat enough food to build muscle. But if you eat an excess of calories, you will gain fat, which will hide your hard-earned muscles. 

Check out my high-protein 5 easy-to-prepare recipes, that can be added to your daily menu TODAY.

▶️ Additional Tip: Join An Online Community

How to start calisthenics and why join a community

Joining an online community is beneficial for beginners as it provides support, motivation, and a wealth of shared knowledge.

✏️ Members exchange tips, success stories, and advice on overcoming challenges, which can be especially encouraging for those just starting.

✏️ Such communities offer a sense of belonging and help maintain accountability, keeping beginners engaged and committed to their fitness goals.

Additionally, the diverse experiences within these communities can offer new perspectives and innovative approaches to training, making the fitness journey more enjoyable and less daunting.

▶️ Success Stories And Testimonials

Are you skeptical about the results calisthenics can deliver?

Don’t take our word for it!

Seeing is believing; nothing speaks louder than the success stories of others who started their calisthenics journey. 

Here’s where the rubber meets the road, genuine transformations from individuals who have walked the calisthenics path

Get ready to be motivated by their journeys, learn from their experiences, and see the incredible potential calisthenics has to offer..

▶️ Conclusion

So, you’re ready to get into calisthenics yet? 

Fantastic choice!

Remember, it’s all about starting easy with those squats and push-ups, then gradually upping your game.

No fancy equipment is required; just you and a bit of space. 

And hey, don’t forget the warm-up and cool-down; they’re your best pals for keeping those muscles happy and injury-free.

Have you got your pull-up bar and yoga mat? Perfect, you’re all set for a killer workout in your living room or local park.

And those goals you’re setting? Keep them realistic and track your progress; seeing how far you’ve come is super satisfying.

Plus, nutrition is important as it provides the fuel to keep those muscles growing.

And here’s the best part: you’re not alone in this!

Joining an online community can be a game-changer, offering that extra push and a bunch of new friends cheering you on.

So, what do you say?

Ready to give it a go and see how awesome calisthenics can be for transforming your body and your whole approach to fitness?

Let’s get to it!

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