Keep Fit at Home | 10+ Home Workouts & Super Easy Exercises to Stay in Shape

Keep fit at home man doing mountain climbers at home

Imagine staying in shape without ever stepping foot in a gym.

Intrigued? You should be!

Home workouts can be just as effective, if not more, than gym sessions. The best part? You can do them anytime, anywhere. From squats to push-ups, these bodyweight exercises are perfect for a full-body workout and will help you to keep fit at home.

Starting with simple moves and gradually increasing the difficulty keeps things challenging and exciting.

Whether you’re a beginner or a fitness enthusiast, working out at home fits seamlessly into your routine, boosting your wellness and keeping you active. Ready to get started?

Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

Keep fit at home takeaways
Keep fit at home takeaways

·   At-home workouts can be as effective as gym routines.

·   Incorporate cardio into your routines.

·   Beginner routines consist of basic bodyweight exercises.

·   Mixing upper body with lower body exercises can help you achieve full-body workouts.

·   Stay active and consistent by following a workout plan.

Why Home Workouts Are Effective

Home workouts are a great way to stay fit. They save time and money since you don’t need to go to the gym, making it easier to exercise regularly, even if you’re very busy.


Home workouts save time and hassle by eliminating the need to commute to the gym. You can fit them into your schedule whenever it’s most convenient, whether it’s early in the morning or late at night.


Working out at home is budget-friendly. There’s no need for expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment. You can use household items or inexpensive gear like resistance bands and yoga mats.


 Home workouts offer the flexibility to tailor your routine to your needs. You can choose exercises that suit your fitness level and goals, and easily adjust the intensity as you progress.


 Exercising at home provides a comfortable and private environment. You can work out without feeling self-conscious, which is especially beneficial for beginners who might feel intimidated at the gym.


 By working out at home, you can control your environment to ensure safety. You can avoid crowded gym spaces and reduce the risk of injury by following proper techniques and using familiar equipment.

Tips for Setting Up Your Home Workout Space

Creating a solid home workout area needs thinking about where it goes, what gear you need, and which exercises you’ll do. Where you work out at home can really affect how often you do it and how motivated you feel. So choose your spot carefully to make the best of your space.

Choose the Right Spot

Select a location with enough space for movement and good lighting. Natural light can boost your mood and energy levels, making your workout more enjoyable.

Minimal Equipment

Opt for versatile equipment that doesn’t take up much space, like resistance bands, dumbbells, or a yoga mat. Household items like water bottles can also be used creatively.

Keep It Organized

An organized space is inviting and helps maintain consistency. Store your equipment neatly in bins or on shelves to keep the area tidy and ready for use.

Create a Motivating Environment

Decorate your workout area with motivational posters or quotes. Add some music or a TV to keep yourself entertained and motivated during workouts.

Plan Your Routine

Have a clear workout plan to follow. This keeps you focused and ensures that you cover all necessary exercises. Use apps or print out routines to guide you through your sessions.

Hacks To Keep Fit At Home

Exercising can be tough with a busy schedule. However, quick workouts can fit easily into your day.

Morning Routine

Start the day with short but effective exercises.

I like to do a bit of yoga early in the morning, then step up on the treadmill and walk about 5k steps. The next section has a few ultra-easy yoga routines you can do in the mornings.

In general, it’s about doing something to stay active, no matter your fitness level.

Before Bed Routine

Gentle Stretching

Perform light stretches to relax your muscles and relieve tension. Focus on areas that might feel tight from the day’s activities, like your neck, shoulders, and legs.

Deep Breathing Exercises

Practice deep breathing or meditation to calm your mind. This can help lower your heart rate and promote relaxation.

Foam Rolling

Use a foam roller to gently massage and release muscle tension. This can aid in muscle recovery and improve sleep quality.

Light Walk

A short, leisurely walk can help clear your mind and wind down before bed. Keep the pace slow and focus on your breathing.


Spend a few minutes meditating to quiet your mind and reduce stress. Guided meditations or mindfulness exercises can enhance your relaxation and improve sleep quality.

10+ 20-minute Easy Home Workouts To Keep Fit At Home

Keep fit at home upper body exercises

Workout 1 – Upper Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Push-Ups3 x 10-1260 sec
Dips3 x 8-1060 sec
Inverted Rows3 x 1045 sec
Diamond Push-Ups2 x 845 sec
Plank2 x 60 sec30 sec

Workout 2 – Lower Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Squats4 x 1560 sec
Lunges3 x 10 each leg45 sec
Glute Bridges3 x 1260 sec
Calf Raises2 x 2030 sec
Plank2 x 60 sec45 sec

Workout 3 – Core Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Plank3 x 60 sec45 sec
Russian Twists3 x 2030 sec
Bicycle Crunches3 x 1545 sec
Leg Raises2 x 1230 sec
Side Plank2 x 45 sec each side60 sec

Workout 4- Upper Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Pull-Ups/Assisted Pull-Ups3 x 6-890 sec
Pike Push-Ups3 x 860 sec
Pseudo Planche Push-Ups2 x 660 sec
Superman2 x 1045 sec
Side Plank2 x 45 sec each side30 sec

Workout 5- Lower Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Jump Squats4 x 1075 sec
Step-Ups3 x 12 each leg60 sec
Lateral Lunges3 x 10 each leg45 sec
Single Leg Deadlifts2 x 10 each leg60 sec
Flutter Kicks2 x 2030 sec

Workout 6- Core Focus

Keep fit at home core focused exercises
ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Dead Bugs3 x 1545 sec
Forearm Planks3 x 45 sec30 sec
Heel Taps3 x 2030 sec
Flutter Kicks2 x 2045 sec
Hollow Hold2 x 45 sec60 sec

Workout 7- Upper Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Push-Up to Side Plank3 x 8 each side60 sec
Decline Push-Ups3 x 1045 sec
Chin-Ups/Assisted Chin-Ups3 x 690 sec
Tricep Dips2 x 1060 sec
Dead Bug2 x 1545 sec

Workout 8- Lower Body Focus

Keep fit at home lower body exercises
ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Wall Sits3 x 60 sec45 sec
Bulgarian Split Squats3 x 8 each leg60 sec
Fire Hydrants2 x 12 each leg30 sec
Donkey Kicks2 x 15 each leg30 sec
Supermans2 x 1545 sec

Workout 9- Core Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Crunches4 x 1530 sec
Planks to Push-Up3 x 1045 sec
Bird Dogs3 x 10 each side30 sec
Inchworms2 x 860 sec
Side Plank Crunches2 x 15 each side45 sec

Workout 10 – Upper Body Focus

ExerciseSets x RepsRest
Wide Push-Ups3 x 1245 sec
Reverse Flyes3 x 1245 sec
Close Grip Push-Ups2 x 1060 sec
Rear Delt Raises2 x 1545 sec
Hollow Hold2 x 45 sec30 sec

If you want to follow a structured workout plan for complete beginners, make sure you check out my FREE WORKOUT PROGRAMS that you can download in PDF.

Cool Down Yoga Poses to Enhance Flexibility and Strength

After your home workouts to keep fit at home, adding yoga poses can help you stretch, and improve your flexibility. Downward Dog and Warrior Pose are key for this. These stretch your body and make you feel better.

Yin Yoga is something I have been testing recently, and it is doing wonders for my flexibility. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga that involves holding passive poses for extended periods, typically 3 to 5 minutes. It targets deep connective tissues, such as ligaments, joints, and fascia, promoting flexibility and circulation. Yin Yoga encourages relaxation and mindfulness, making it an excellent practice for calming the mind and preparing for sleep. It complements more dynamic forms of exercise by balancing the body’s energy and enhancing overall well-being.

Downward Dog

Keep fit at home Yoga Downward dog

The Downward Dog pose is a basic move that works many muscles. Start on your hands and knees, then push your hips up. This makes your body into an upside-down ‘V’. It helps keep your spine long and your leg muscles—hams and calves—stretched. Over time, doing Downward Dog can boost your blood flow, helping your muscles recover faster.

Warrior Pose

Keep fit at home Yoga Warrior Pose

Warrior Pose is great for getting stronger and more flexible. It is done by standing with one foot in front and one behind, bending your front knee and reaching your arms up. It works out your legs, core, and arms. This betters your flexibility and increases your strength. It also evens out your muscles, lowering the chance of getting hurt.

Working these poses into your daily exercise helps with tons of good stuff. You’ll see better muscle shape, become more flexible, and feel calm. Yoga fits well in any workout plan, keeping you healthy and happy.

Yoga Basic Routines for Stretching and Cool Down

Routine 1 – Stretch & Cool Down

ExerciseHold Time
Child’s Pose1 min
Forward Fold45 sec
Downward Dog1 min
Pigeon Pose45 sec each side
Seated Forward Fold1 min
Legs Up The Wall2 mins

Routine 2 – Stretch & Cool Down

ExerciseHold Time
Butterfly Pose1 min
Cobra Pose30 sec
Cat/Cow1 min
Seated Spinal Twist45 sec each side
Wide-Legged Forward Fold1 min
Corpse Pose2-3 mins

Routine 3 – Stretch & Cool Down

ExerciseHold Time
Ragdoll Pose45 sec
Standing Back Bend30 sec
Half Lord of the Fishes45 sec each side
Downward Dog Split30 sec each leg
Bridge Pose1 min
Savasana2-3 mins

High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) at Home

High-Intensity Interval Training, or HIIT, is a top pick for home workouts. It is known for its great results and being easy to fit into any schedule. HIIT involves short but intense exercises followed by brief rests. This intense yet quick style is perfect for those with packed days. This type of exercise is great to increase your heart rate.

This is one of my favorite HIIT training routines:

Tabata Style Workouts

Tabata style workouts are a hit in the world of HIIT. They feature 20 seconds of hard work, then 10 seconds to catch your breath. This cycle repeats eight times and is great for improving endurance and fitness. You can do moves like burpees, jumping jacks, and push-ups in a Tabata session. It’s a fun way to get a full-body workout.

Tips for Maximizing HIIT Sessions

To get the most out of your HIIT at home, follow these tips:

1. Choose Effective Exercises: Pick five moves, such as squats, mountain climbers, or burpees. Do each in a row three times. Mix in exercises like Russian twists and kettlebell swings for variety and to work all your muscles.

2. Duration and Rest: Aim for 20 to 30 seconds of hard work then take a 10 to 30-second break. Adjust the timing based on what challenges you most and fits your fitness level. This helps you push yourself and keep the workouts interesting.

3. Equipment: As you get stronger, add weights, resistance bands, or machines to your routine. But remember, you can do a lot with just your body weight, which is a great place to start. Beginners especially benefit from these types of exercises.

4. Frequency: Do your HIIT routine in your bodyweight rest days. This rest allows your muscles to repair and grow stronger.

5. Safety First: Always start with lighter weights and focus on doing the exercises with good form. This helps avoid injuries. Remember, you can adjust any move to fit your needs, whether you’re just starting or have specific health concerns.

Keep fit at home Tabata Workouts

Tabata Workout 1

ExerciseWork (secs)Rest (secs)
Squat Jumps2010
Mountain Climbers2010
(Repeat 4 times)  

Tabata Workout 2

ExerciseWork (secs)Rest (secs)
Jump Lunges2010
Plank Jacks2010
High Knees2010
Russian Twists2010
(Repeat 4 times)  

Tabata Workout 3

ExerciseWork (secs)Rest (secs)
Jumping Jacks2010
Close-Grip Push-Ups2010
Plank Up-Downs2010
(Repeat 4 times)  


·   Each Tabata workout follows the 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest pattern for 8 rounds (4 minutes per exercise)

·   Repeat the full 4-exercise circuit 4 times for a total of 20 minutes

·   Rest 1 minute between full circuit rounds if needed

Upper Body Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises are a top-notch choice for a full-body workout. You don’t need any equipment, which makes them great for all fitness levels. They are super for improving how fit you are and your metabolism.

Include push-ups, squats, and planks in your workout to make your muscles stronger and build a solid training plan.


Push-ups work your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. They give your upper body a solid workout. They work well because they make your muscles work hard and they never get easy.

If you’re just starting out, try push-ups on your knees. Once those get easier, move to harder types like diamond or one-arm push-ups. Doing push-ups often makes your upper body stronger and helps overall muscle power stay longer.


Planks strengthen your core, working your shoulders, back, and abs. Keeping a straight line from head to heels is key. Adding side or one-legged planks makes it harder, fitting different levels. Doing planks often boosts core might, a key point for staying stable and going the distance.

When combined with other bodyweight moves, planks offer a well-rounded workout. They target many muscle groups.

Working out with just your body can get you in fine shape without needing gear. It builds muscle, amps up your staying power, and boosts how you burn calories when you stick with it.


·   Start with assisted pull-ups using resistance bands or a pull-up assist machine if you can’t do full pull-ups yet. This allows you to build up the necessary strength.

·   Focus on pulling your shoulder blades together and keeping your body in a straight line from heels to head when doing pull-ups.

·   Mix up your grip – try an overhand grip, underhand grip, parallel grip, etc. to work your back muscles slightly differently.

·   Do negative pull-ups by jumping up to the bar and slowly lowering yourself down to build strength.

·   Add weight by wearing a backpack or using a dip belt once regular pull-ups become easy.

Core Workouts for a Stronger Abdomen

Building a strong core is key for overall fitness. It helps with better movement, supports your spine, and aids in daily tasks. Many exercises help make your core stronger and more stable. Today, we’ll look at two of the best: bicycle crunches and Russian twists.

Bicycle Crunches

Bicycle crunches work out your front and side abs, and also your hip flexors.

Lay on your back with your knees up and hands behind your head. Next, lift your shoulders off the floor. As you do this, bring one knee up and reach your opposite elbow toward it. Then, switch to the other side like you’re pedaling a bike. Keep the moves smooth and controlled. This strengthens your abs and improves your core’s stability.

Try doing 12 to 15 reps for the best results.

Russian Twists

Next up are Russian twists, great for your side abs and lower back. Sit on the floor with your knees bent, and feet flat on the ground. Lean back a bit to make a V with your upper body and legs. Hold a weight or keep your hands together. Then, swing your torso from side to side, making sure to tap the floor beside your hip each time. This move not just works your abs but also helps with balance and stability.

Avoid injury by keeping a good form and add more reps as you get stronger.

Adding bicycle crunches and Russian twists to your routine really boosts your core strength. It’s important to do them right and keep up with regular sessions. This way, you’ll see big improvements in your abdominal muscles.

Effective Lower Body Exercises

It’s key to strengthen your lower body for total fitness. Exercises such as lunges, glute bridges, and step-ups can boost your leg strength. They’re also great for activating your glutes. Let’s dive into how you can do these lower body workouts.


Squats focus on your quads, hamstrings, and glutes along with the core. They do a lot for your whole body. Jump squats are great for your glutes, quads, and shoulders, plus they work your heart harder.

Begin with regular squats and move on to tougher ones like pistols. Squats help pump up your muscle strength and improve fitness along with metabolism.


Lunges work your quads, glutes, and hamstrings well. Start with feet apart, then step one leg forward and lower your hips. Keep going until your legs form a 90-degree angle. Return to the start and switch legs. Side lunges are great for balance improvement. They make around 78% of people stronger and more stable.

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges really fire up your glutes. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the ground. Push your hips up, tightening your glutes at the top. Then, lower down. Studies show they can beef up your hamstring strength by 15%. Plus, doing them includes moving diagonally and side-to-side. This is super for your glute medius muscle.


Add step-ups to your routine. Use a bench and place one foot on it. Push through your heel to raise your body, then step back down. It works out your quads, hamstrings, and glutes. This boosts your leg strength and stamina. Step-ups work for everyone, helping you shape and strengthen your legs consistently.

Strength Training with Household Items

Your home can be a perfect spot to get strong using things you already own. Items like milk jugs, detergent bottles, and resistance bands are all you need. This way, you save money yet stay in top shape by lifting and pulling these everyday objects.

Using Milk Jugs and Detergent Bottles

There’s a lot in your house that can help you work out. For example, a gallon of milk is great for lifting and swinging exercises. You can do moves like the one-arm kettlebell Arnold press, which works your whole body, with detergent bottles. These simple household items can do wonders for your muscles.

Benefits of Resistance Bands

Don’t forget about resistance bands. They’re amazing at making your muscles stronger. You can even use things like towels and T-shirts instead of buying bands. Not only are they cheap, but they’re easy to take anywhere.

By using everyday things for strength training, you can keep your workouts interesting. This method makes sure your muscles grow well without going to a gym. Now, let’s take a closer look at how these items compare for your workouts:

Household ItemWeightIdeal Exercises
Milk Jug8.5 poundsBicep Curls, Kettlebell Swings
Detergent BottleVariesOne Arm Arnold Press
Resistance BandsLight to Heavy ResistanceFull-body Workouts

Staying Motivated and Consistent

It’s key to stay motivated and keep at it with your workouts. To really make progress, you should set achievable goals. These goals will not only boost your fitness but also improve your work and home life. By breaking big goals into smaller ones, you’ll see success steps more clearly.

Trying out different types of exercises can also fire up your motivation. For example, dancing can be just as effective as a traditional workout. Doing things you enjoy makes exercise feel like a fun part of your routine, not a chore.

Online fitness groups and support sites are another great way to stay psyched about working out. Research shows that people who get motivation online lose more weight. These platforms offer advice from pros and keep you on target with your health goals. Joining these groups can really boost your dedication.

Building your workout routine into a daily habit can make a big difference. Even something as simple as taking the stairs every day can help you lose weight over time. Making these little changes consistently is the real secret to long-term fitness. And don’t forget, finding what works for you and sticking to it is essential for staying on track with your health.

Final Words


Wow, you made it through! Keeping fit at home is totally doable, and you’ve got the blueprint now. From the freedom of working out anytime to the simplicity of bodyweight exercises like push-ups and squats, home workouts are a game-changer. Remember to set up a motivating space, use everyday items for strength training, and mix in quick 10-minute routines to stay consistent.

The key takeaway? Fitness at home is effective, cost-saving, and super convenient. So, no excuses—get moving and enjoy your journey to a fitter you!

Ready to start? Let’s make every day a workout day!

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