Quadrobics | Is This Just A New Fitness Trend?

Person on quadrobics stance

Have you ever watched a cat or dog gracefully move and thought, “I wish I could move like that”?

Welcome to the world of quadrobics. This emerging fitness practice, inspired by the natural movements of four-legged animals, is quickly gaining popularity among fitness enthusiasts. But is it just another fleeting trend, or does it have lasting benefits?

Imagine a workout that not only builds strength and flexibility but also brings out your playful side. That’s quadrobics.

Unlike traditional workouts, quadrobics combines the elements of fun, functionality, and fitness. It’s not just exercise; it’s an adventure that reconnects you with your primal instincts.

Think of the benefits: improved coordination, enhanced balance, and a full-body workout that keeps you engaged and motivated. Picture yourself moving with the agility and grace of your favorite animals.

Ready to discover if quadrobics is for you? Dive into this guide to learn more about this innovative fitness practice and how it can transform your workout routine.

What Is Quadrobics? 

Quadrobics, also known as quadrupedal movement, is a unique form of exercise that mimics the movement patterns of four-legged animals. This innovative fitness practice emphasizes natural, functional movement and provides a fun, engaging way to build strength, flexibility, and coordination.

Key Features of Quadrobics

  • Crawling: Moving on all fours, using hands and feet, helps to strengthen the upper body and core while improving balance.
  • Leaping and Bounding: Dynamic movements that require explosive power and agility, similar to how animals move through their environments.
  • Balancing: Practicing balance on all fours enhances coordination and stability, benefiting overall physical fitness.
  • Natural Movement: Encourages fluid, natural movements that are less rigid than traditional exercise routines.

What isn’t Quadrobics?

Quadrobics is not a traditional sport with formal rules and competitive events. It is also:

  • Not Rigid or Structured: Unlike conventional workouts with set routines and repetitions, quadrobics emphasizes fluid, natural movements.
  • No Heavy Equipment required: While some protective gear can enhance safety, quadrobics doesn’t rely on specialized equipment.
  • Not Limited to Indoor Spaces: Quadrobics can be practiced both indoors and outdoors, offering flexibility in training environments.

It is more of a functional fitness practice inspired by animal movements rather than a structured athletic discipline.

Is Quadrobics a sport?

Quadrobics is not officially recognized as a sport in the traditional sense. It lacks formal rules, competitive events, and governing bodies that define conventional sports. Instead, quadrobics is a fitness practice that focuses on functional movement, coordination, and agility.

It’s more akin to other movement practices like parkour or animal flow, emphasizing natural, playful exercises that improve overall physical fitness.

While it shares some characteristics with sports, such as physical activity and skill development, it remains primarily a form of exercise and movement practice.

Benefits of Quadrobics

  • Full-Body Workout: Engages multiple muscle groups simultaneously, providing a comprehensive workout.
  • Improved Coordination: Enhances motor skills and overall body coordination.
  • Increased Flexibility: Promotes greater range of motion in joints and muscles.
  • Fun and Dynamic: Offers a playful and enjoyable way to exercise, reminiscent of childhood play.

Risks of Quadrobics

While quadrobics offers numerous benefits, it also comes with certain risks, especially for beginners or those with pre-existing conditions. Here are some potential risks to be aware of:

  • Joint Strain: The repetitive use of hands and feet can put strain on the wrists, knees, and ankles. It’s essential to start slowly and build strength gradually.
  • Injury from Falls: Dynamic movements like leaping and bounding can increase the risk of falls, leading to potential injuries such as sprains or fractures.
  • Overuse Injuries: Engaging in intense quadrobics sessions without proper rest and recovery can lead to overuse injuries, particularly in the shoulders, wrists, and lower back.
  • Improper Technique: Incorrect form can lead to muscle strains and imbalances. It’s crucial to learn and practice the correct techniques to minimize the risk of injury.
  • Surface Hazards: Practicing on uneven or hard surfaces can increase the risk of slips, trips, and falls. Ensure a safe, suitable environment for training.

How to Mitigate Risks

  • Start Slowly: Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to allow your body to adapt.
  • Proper Warm-Up: Always warm up before starting a quadrobics session to prepare your muscles and joints.
  • Learn Proper Technique: Consider taking lessons or watching tutorials to ensure you’re using the correct form.
  • Use Protective Gear: Wrist guards, knee pads, and suitable footwear can help protect against injuries.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to any signs of discomfort or pain and take breaks as needed to prevent overuse injuries.
  • Safe Environment: Practice on soft, even surfaces to reduce the risk of falls and other injuries.

By being aware of these risks and taking appropriate precautions, you can safely enjoy the benefits of quadrobics while minimizing the likelihood of injury.

How to help your hand from getting red/hurt while doing Quadrobics?

The suggestion is to use gloves and to get thin non-slip gloves that aren’t too bulky as it can be harder to walk, trot, canter, run etc.

Remember to tuck your fingers or you can break them!

Equipment required for Quadrobics

One of the appealing aspects of quadrobics is that it requires minimal equipment. This makes it accessible and easy to start without a significant investment. Here’s what you might consider:

Basic Requirements

  • Comfortable Clothing: Wear flexible, breathable clothing that allows a full range of motion.
  • Suitable Footwear: While many practitioners prefer barefoot movement for better grip and natural feel, minimalist shoes or athletic footwear can provide additional support and protection.

Optional Equipment

  • Wrist Guards: To protect your wrists from strain and provide additional support during intense movements.
  • Knee Pads: Useful for beginners or those practicing on harder surfaces to cushion the knees during crawling and low movements.
  • Yoga Mat: A soft surface to practice on, especially helpful for indoor sessions or on hard floors.
  • Obstacle Course Elements: Items like cones, low hurdles, or balance beams can add variety and challenge to your workouts, but they are not necessary for beginners.


  • Safe Practice Area: Ensure you have a safe, open space free of obstacles and hazards. Grass, sand, or padded indoor areas are ideal for reducing impact and preventing injuries.

How to do the Quadrobics move: Trotting

Trotting in quadrobics is a movement pattern that mimics the trot of four-legged animals, like dogs or horses. It’s a rhythmic, coordinated movement that involves lifting diagonal pairs of limbs (right hand and left foot, then left hand and right foot) in a smooth, alternating sequence. This movement helps to develop balance, coordination, and rhythm while engaging the core and limbs.

How to Perform Trotting

  1. Starting Position: Begin on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Lift Opposite Limbs: Lift your right hand and left foot off the ground simultaneously.
  3. Move Forward: Step forward with your right hand and left foot, placing them down in front of you.
  4. Alternate: Lift your left hand and right foot, moving them forward and placing them down.
  5. Maintain Rhythm: Continue this alternating pattern, maintaining a smooth and controlled rhythm.

Benefits of Trotting

  • Improves Coordination: Enhances the ability to move different parts of the body in a coordinated manner.
  • Builds Core Strength: Engages the core muscles to maintain stability and balance during the movement.
  • Enhances Balance: Requires balance and stability, improving overall body control.
  • Cardiovascular Workout: This can be performed at various speeds, providing a cardiovascular challenge when done briskly.

Tips for Effective Trotting

  • Keep Your Core Engaged: Maintain a tight core to support your back and improve stability.
  • Focus on Smooth Movements: Aim for smooth, controlled steps rather than rushed, uneven movements.
  • Start Slow: Begin at a slow pace to master the coordination and form before increasing speed.
  • Practice Regularly: Consistent practice will improve your coordination and confidence with this movement.

Trotting is a fundamental movement in quadrobics that can be both fun and challenging. It’s an excellent way to build foundational skills that will enhance your overall quadrobics practice.

How to do the Quadrobics move: Running?

Running in quadrobics is an advanced form of quadrupedal movement that involves moving quickly on all fours. This dynamic and high-energy movement mimics the running gait of animals like dogs or cheetahs. It’s a powerful exercise that enhances speed, strength, and endurance.

How to Perform Running in Quadrobics

  1. Starting Position: Begin on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Lift Opposite Limbs: Start by lifting your right hand and left foot off the ground.
  3. Move Forward Quickly: Propel yourself forward by simultaneously pushing off with your right hand and left foot, then swiftly switch to lift your left hand and right foot.
  4. Maintain a Steady Rhythm: Keep alternating limbs in a fast, controlled manner, maintaining a rhythmic and coordinated gait.
  5. Focus on Fluidity: Aim for smooth, fluid movements rather than choppy or uneven steps.

Benefits of Running in Quadrobics

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: Provides an intense cardiovascular workout, improving heart and lung function.
  • Full-Body Strength: Engages multiple muscle groups, particularly the shoulders, core, and legs.
  • Enhanced Coordination: Requires precise coordination and timing, improving overall motor skills.
  • Speed and Agility: Develops speed and agility, making you more adept at rapid, multidirectional movements.

Tips for Effective Running

  • Start Slowly: Begin with a slower pace to master the coordination and form before increasing speed.
  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core muscles tight to maintain stability and support your back.
  • Use Soft Surfaces: Practice on grass, sand, or padded areas to reduce impact and prevent injuries.
  • Stay Low: Maintain a low center of gravity to improve balance and control.
  • Warm Up: Always warm up thoroughly before attempting running movements to prepare your muscles and joints.


  • Avoid Hard Surfaces: Running on hard surfaces can increase the risk of joint strain and impact injuries.
  • Proper Technique: Ensure you use proper form to avoid unnecessary strain on your wrists and shoulders.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain or discomfort, stop and reassess your technique or take a break.

Running in quadrobics is a challenging but rewarding exercise that can significantly enhance your fitness and movement skills. With practice, it can become a powerful addition to your workout routine.

How to do the Quadrobics move: Jumping?

Jumping in quadrobics involves dynamic, explosive movements where you propel your body off the ground using all four limbs. This exercise is inspired by the leaping and bounding motions of animals like frogs or big cats. It’s a powerful way to build strength, agility, and coordination.

How to Perform Jumping in Quadrobics

  1. Starting Position: Begin on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips.
  2. Crouch Down: Lower your body slightly by bending your elbows and knees, preparing to jump.
  3. Explosive Push: Simultaneously push off with your hands and feet, propelling your body upward and forward.
  4. Land Softly: Aim to land gently on all fours, with your hands and feet absorbing the impact to reduce stress on your joints.
  5. Repeat: Continue the jumping motion in a rhythmic sequence, maintaining control and balance.

Benefits of Jumping in Quadrobics

  • Explosive Power: Develops explosive strength in the upper and lower body.
  • Full-Body Workout: Engages multiple muscle groups, including shoulders, arms, core, and legs.
  • Improved Agility: Enhances agility and the ability to perform rapid, powerful movements.
  • Cardiovascular Fitness: Provides a high-intensity cardiovascular workout, boosting heart and lung capacity.
  • Coordination and Balance: Improves coordination and balance through dynamic movement patterns.

Tips for Effective Jumping

  • Warm Up: Always warm up your muscles and joints thoroughly before jumping to prevent injuries.
  • Start Small: Begin with small jumps to master the form and gradually increase the height and distance as you become more comfortable.
  • Engage Your Core: Keep your core muscles tight to maintain stability and control during jumps.
  • Use Soft Surfaces: Practice on grass, sand, or padded areas to reduce impact on your joints.
  • Land Softly: Focus on landing softly to minimize the impact and protect your joints.


  • Avoid Hard Surfaces: Jumping on hard surfaces can increase the risk of joint strain and impact injuries.
  • Proper Technique: Ensure you use proper form to avoid unnecessary strain on your wrists, shoulders, and knees.
  • Listen to Your Body: If you experience pain or discomfort, stop and reassess your technique or take a break.

Jumping in quadrobics is a highly effective exercise for building explosive power and overall fitness. With proper technique and practice, it can become a dynamic and enjoyable part of your quadrobics routine.

Videos on Quadrobics


Quadrobics is not just a fitness trend; it’s a way to reconnect with natural movement patterns and make exercise enjoyable. Whether you’re new to fitness or looking for a fresh, exciting challenge, quadrobics offers a versatile and engaging workout that can transform your routine. 

While quadrobics doesn’t require any specialized equipment, having some basic items can enhance your comfort and safety as you practice. The focus remains on natural movement, making it a versatile and accessible form of exercise for anyone.

Give it a try and discover the benefits of moving like your favorite four-legged animals.

Personally, I am not a fan of this type of exercise, I don’t see myself EVER doing this. Make sure you read this article for additional fitness tips.


Adolph, K E, B Vereijken, and M A Denny. 1998. “Learning to Crawl.” Child Development 69 (5): 1299–1312. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9839417.

Matthews, Martyn J, Mohamed Yusuf, Caron Doyle, and Catherine Thompson. 2016. “Quadrupedal Movement Training Improves Markers of Cognition and Joint Repositioning.” Human Movement Science 47: 70–80. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2016.02.002.

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