72 Super Simple Fitness Tips from Experts and Trainers That Actually Work

fitness tips

Are you looking to get fit but don’t know where or how to start?

I found that there is so much information out there which can easily lead someone new to the fitness world to analysis – paralysis.

But don’t worry, I have got you covered!

I’ve compiled a list of super simple best fitness tips from experts and trainers that actually work so that you can get started on your fitness journey. These tips are easy and down to earth and will help you improve your fitness in general.

Working out can increase your heart rate, especially high intensity exercises. This is typically seen as a positive effect (unless you have a medical condition), leading to better cardiovascular health.

Regularly exercising and raising your heart rate can strengthen your heart muscle, improve blood flow, reduce the risk of heart disease, and even help manage stress levels. This is why I think working out a few days a week is a great strategy to get and stay fit.

Don’t worry if you’re a beginner like I once was or just looking for new ideas, there’s something here for everyone!

The Havard Medical School also says, “Exercise may be the best medicine for healthy joints“.

Table of Contents

1. Start Slow

Don’t try to do too much too soon so that it becomes overwhelming. You want to have fun along the way. The last thing you want is to stress in the process of getting fit.

If you are new to fitness, start incorporating one or two actions every week until you find those you love, then ditch the ones you don’t, and gradually increase as you feel comfortable.

2. Set Goals

Set specific goals for what you want to achieve, such as running a 5k or losing 10 pounds. Having a goal to work towards will motivate and inspire you.

I found that when I don’t have a specific goal, I lack motivation because I don’t have anything to work towards. For me, having a goal makes a very big difference in my overall progress.

3. Schedule Your Workouts

Make workout time a priority by scheduling it into your day ahead of time. This will help you make it a habit.

For me, during the weekdays, which is when I work my 9-5, I go straight to the gym after I leave work, then on the days off work or the weekends, then I workout first thing in the morning, and then I have the day to do whatever I need to do.

4. Don’t Give Up

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. Don’t you dare to give up, always keep pushing forward towards your goals, which leads me to the next tip…

Stand Up Straight: Good posture is important and helps prevent injury. Having a bad posture may create issues with your neck muscles and your back.

5. Get a Workout Partner

Working out with a friend can make it more fun and help keep you accountable. You can push each other when one doesn’t feel like working out or push you harder during your workout sessions.

6. Try New Activities – or don’t…

Don’t be afraid to try new things, such as yoga, pilates, or dance classes. You might find something you really enjoy.

Or, if you are like me, I love lifting weights at the gym, and I have no interest in discovering new things because I know lifting weights is ‘my thing’. Just make sure that you find ‘your thing’ that you love.

7. Invest in Good Workout Shoes

I hate shoes that when I put them on they rub my feet hard and create blisters. A good pair of shoes can help prevent injuries and provide support during your workouts.

Take your time and make sure you select the right shoes for the activity you have selected, for example, my weight-lifting shoes are kind of flat, whereas my walking and jogging shoes are more comfy as they have more cushioning.

8. Wear Comfortable Clothes

Comfortable clothes can make your workouts more enjoyable and prevent discomfort and distractions.

Picture this: you’re halfway through a vigorous spin class when suddenly your tight, restrictive jeans start chafing you in places we won’t mention here. 

Or, you’re in the middle of a killer yoga pose, and your too-tight top flips up, treating everyone to an unscheduled belly show. 

Trust me, neither of these scenarios make for a fun or productive workout. 

Plus, clothing that doesn’t fit well is a distraction, and who needs more of those when you’re trying to remember how to do a burpee or hold a plank? 

So, consider this your style and comfort tip: Save the skinny jeans and crop tops for the street, and stick with breathable, flexible clothes for sweat sessions. 

Your dignity and your derrière will thank you for it! 😉

9. Walking

Walking at a steady pace is an incredibly beneficial form of exercise as it gets you moving and your heart pumping, but it often gets overlooked. It’s a low impact exercise, meaning it puts minimal stress on your joints, making it suitable for people of all fitness levels and ages.

I walk at least 10k-12k steps per day, and I love it. I can either go out to the park for a walk or stand on a treadmill and watch my favourite tv show. I track my steps using a smartwatch with a step counter.

10. Use a Pedometer

A pedometer can help you track your daily steps and increase your activity level.

11. Add in Small Bits of Exercise

Even small amounts of exercise, such as taking a quick walk around the block can add up over time.

12. Take the Stairs

Instead of the elevator or escalator, take the stairs. I’d like to say that I do this all the time, but no, I do it when I am on my own and not in a rush.

13. Take the Stairs Two at a Time

Taking the stairs two at a time can help increase your fitness. Make sure you grab those handrails.

14. Warm Up

Always warm up before exercise to help prevent injuries.

15. Use Resistance Bands

You can use resistance bands to add resistance to your workouts without the need for heavy weights. I even use a resistance band to conduct some stretches.

16. Take Advantage of YouTube

YouTube has a wealth of free workout videos and tutorials. Find one that works for you.

17. Find Inspiration

Look for inspiration in others who have achieved their fitness goals. Follow fitness influencers on social media or join online communities for support.

18. Use Social Media for Motivation

Follow the fitness account of your preference on social media to keep you motivated.

19. Don’t Compare Yourself to Others

NEVER use social media to compare yourself to others. Everyone’s fitness journey is different.

Focus on your own progress, focus on who you were yesterday and compare it with your today’s or future self.

20. If you can afford it, invest in a personal trainer or coach

Hiring a personal fitness trainer was a game-changer for my fitness journey. He brought a wealth of knowledge about effective exercises, proper form, personalized workout programs and fitness routines tailored to my goals.

And just like you take your time to buy the shoes you like, also make sure you take your time to choose the right coach for you. Talk to 2 or 3 coaches about your goals and ask them how they would create a plan of attack and a fitness routine for you. Then select the fitness coach you like.

21. Do Repetitions Slowly

Slowly doing repetitions can help increase muscle activation and improve form.

22. Focus on Form

Proper form is important to prevent injuries and get the most out of your workouts. Ask a personal trainer or coach for help if you’re unsure.

23. Follow a bodyweight exercise routine

Body weight exercises are an excellent way to build strength and muscle, improve flexibility, and boost overall fitness. They require no equipment, making them perfect for home workouts or when you’re on the go.

Calisthenics is a type of body weight exercise that is particularly effective in developing strength. It uses gravity and your body’s resistance to challenge your muscles. From push-ups and pull-ups to squats and lunges, these exercises strengthen different parts of your body, boosting overall muscular endurance. This form of exercise has great benefits, not only builds lean muscle but also improves balance, coordination, and mobility. As you progress, you can modify these exercises to increase their intensity, ensuring you continue to challenge yourself as your fitness level improves.

Have a look at The Ultimate Calisthenics Exercise List I Wish I Had (Beginner to Advance)

24. Join a Group Fitness Class

Group fitness classes can be a great way to meet new people and get a structured workout. Take a class in something you’ve always wanted to try, such as boxing or barre.

25. Get Involved in Sports

Team sports such as basketball or soccer can be a fun way to get exercise and meet new people. Not everybody is like me, I enjoy a working out on my own, whereas other people enjoy group classes.

26. Don’t Neglect Strength Training

Strength training can help improve your overall fitness and prevent injuries. Having one exercise session or more per week, including strength training can make a big difference and can also help you build muscle.

27. Follow a workout program using free weights

Ever wanted to feel like a superhero, lifting heavy objects with grace and style? Well, training with weights can help you do just that! When you hoist a dumbbell or lift a barbell, your muscles have to work to keep you stable, just like how Spider-Man has to flex every muscle to swing between skyscrapers.

28. Stretch After Exercise

Stretching after exercise can help prevent stiffness and soreness after a workout. I stretch every morning, it is not really a very long stretch, it takes me only a few minutes.

29. Don’t Skip Leg Day

Working out your lower body is important for overall strength and balance, and regular leg workouts can improve the strength and endurance of the muscles in your legs, hips, and lower back.

30. Include Compound Exercises a Few Times a Week

Compound exercises, such as squats and lunges, work multiple muscle groups at once.

31. Only buy the right gear to help you with your workouts

Don’t spend money on gear that you don’t need. Over the years, I have spent a lot of money on that ‘new shiny object’, but in reality, I tend to go back to the same gear over and over again. Just stick to the basic.

32. Use a Training App

Apps can help you track your progress and stay motivated. I found I achieved the best results while tracking my workouts and seeing the progress (or the lack of it) during a period of time.

33. Use blood flow restriction methods in your workouts

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training is a strategy that involves the use of bands or cuffs placed around a limb while performing an exercise. The goal is to safely restrict venous blood flow return while still allowing arterial blood flow to the muscle. This can lead to an accumulation of metabolic by-products and cellular swelling, potentially inducing muscle growth and strength gains even with light-weight training.

It’s a method praised for its ability to aid in muscle recovery and growth, but it’s important to note that it should be conducted under proper guidance to avoid potential risks.

34. Don’t Forget About Cardio

Cardiovascular exercise is an important part of fitness. Aim for at least 150 minutes per week.

35. Use a Foam Roller

Foam rolling may help you reduce muscle soreness and increase flexibility.

36. Keep a Fitness Journal

Tracking your progress in a fitness journal can help you see how far you’ve come and keep you motivated.

37. Go Outside

Take advantage of outdoor workouts such as running, hiking, or biking.

38. Practice Yoga

Yoga is a holistic practice that helps to improve mental health. It combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to bring a balance between mind and body.

Regular yoga practice can help reduce anxiety, enhance mood, and improve concentration and memory, and the stress hormone cortisol under control.

39. HIIT workout

I have practised HIIT several times, HIIT workouts involve short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods. The high intensity workout is highly effective for burning calories in a short amount of time, making it an ideal choice for those with busy schedules.

40. Use Interval Training

Interval training can help you burn more calories in less time.

41. Use a Jump Rope

Jumping the rope is a fun and effective cardio workout.

42. Use Music

Music can be a great motivator during exercise. Create a playlist of your favourite songs to keep you going.

43. Make it a Family Affair

Get your family involved in your workouts. Take a walk together or play a game of soccer in the backyard.

44. Active recovery

Active recovery refers to engaging in low-intensity exercise after workouts. Instead of remaining completely idle on your rest days, you partake in gentle physical activity like walking, jogging, light swimming, or yoga. As part of my active recovery routine, I make sure I walk 12k steps on my rest days.

45. Take Rest Days

Rest days are just as important as workout days. Give your body time to recover and repair. They’re also crucial for maintaining mental motivation: constant, hard training can lead to burnout and a lack of enthusiasm.

46. Take Breaks at Work

If you sit at a desk all day, take breaks to stretch and move around. Stand More If you have a job that requires you to sit for long periods of time, try standing or walking during phone calls or meetings.

47. Walking Meetings

If you have a meeting at work, suggest a walking meeting instead of sitting in a conference room.

48. Take the Dog for a Walk

Walking your dog is a great way to get exercise and bond with your pet.

49. Use a Stability Ball

A stability ball can help improve balance and strengthen core muscles.

50. Stretch Before Bed

Stretching before bed can help relax your muscles and improve sleep quality.

51. Get Enough Sleep 

Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night to help your body recover and repair.

52. Nutrition 

Listen up, folks! You might think that eating healthy is like cracking the Da Vinci Code, but it’s far from it.

Imagine this: A bright, shiny apple is not a grenade, it’s simply an apple. And that vibrant carrot? It’s not a magic wand; it won’t turn you into a rabbit. It’s just a humble root that wants to share its beta-carotene with you.

That broccoli? It’s not a miniature tree from a sci-fi movie that hosts alien life forms; it’s just a nutrient powerhouse waiting to boost your health.

The thing is, fruits and vegetables are the friends you never knew you needed.

And no, you don’t need a dictionary or a detour guide to navigate through the produce aisle.

Just pick the ones that catch your eye and get creative.

Slice ‘em, dice ’em, or straight up crunch ’em. You see, healthy eating is like a playground, not a battleground. So, let’s stop treating every green thing like an extraterrestrial life form, shall we?

53. Drink More Water

Dehydration can affect your performance and overall health, so be sure to drink plenty of water during the day. Me and my wife carry a water bottle with us wherever we go t ensure we always stay hydrated.

54. Hydrate During Workouts

Be sure to hydrate during the day and during your workouts to prevent dehydration and fatigue.

55. Don’t Skip Breakfast

Eating a healthy breakfast can give you energy and fuel your workouts. I can’t skip breakfast, and I have tried, I feel way more hungry during the day and can notice a decrease in strength during my workouts. It will also help you avoid hunger pangs.

56. Eat a Balanced Diet

Make sure to include plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, protein sources (animal or plant-based), and whole grains in your diet.

57. Eat Protein

I am not asking you to go and buy protein powder. Protein is included in a vast of foods, either animal or plant based. Most adults don’t eat enough protein, and it will help you feel satiated.

58. Keep a Food Diary

Tracking what you eat can help you identify areas where you can improve your diet.

59. Lose weight

Shedding those extra pounds and losing fat can contribute significantly to improved physical performance, increased energy levels, and to have better health in general.

Excess weight is often linked to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure, which can hinder your future. Ensure you make a doctor’s appointment to discuss any changes in your diet.

60. Practice Mindful Eating

Eat slowly, pay attention to what you’re eating and how it makes you feel. Mindful eating can help you make healthier food choices.

61. Don’t Always Go Alone

If you’re feeling unmotivated, find a workout buddy to help keep you motivated.

62. Don’t Overdo It

Listen to your body, and don’t push yourself too hard. Rest and recovery are just as important as exercise.

63. Breathe Properly

Breathing can affect your performance during exercise. Focus on deep, controlled breaths.

64. Practice deep breath

Deep breathing is like a secret superpower we all possess but forget to use. 

Imagine this: you’re in a tense situation, maybe your laptop crashed right before that big presentation, or a saber-toothed tiger is chasing you (more applicable to our cave-dwelling ancestors, but you get the idea). 

Your body is in fight-or-flight mode, panic sets in, and you’re about to lose your marbles. 

What do you do? You breathe! 

Deep breathing is like a chill pill for your body – without the side effects.

It sends a message to your brain saying, “Hey, brain! Calm the farm! We got this!” And just like that, your brain tells your body to relax. 

So, next time you find yourself in a stressful situation, remember to tap into your inner Zen by taking deep breaths. 

It’s cheaper than therapy and doesn’t require any Wi-Fi!

65. Use Positive Self-Talk

Tell yourself you can do it! Positive self-talk can help you stay motivated, achieve your goals and have a better mood.

66. Make Fitness a Lifestyle, Not a Chore 

Fitness should be something you enjoy and look forward to, not a chore you have to do.

67. Reward Yourself

Set small rewards for yourself when you achieve a fitness goal. This can help motivate you to keep going.

68. Have Fun

Fitness should be fun! Find activities you enjoy and have fun with them.

69. Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice from a professional, such as a trainer, coach, or nutritionist.

70. Drink Green Tea

Green tea has been shown to have numerous health benefits, including boosting weight loss.

71. Use Caffeine to Boost Workouts

Too much caffeine doesn’t suit me well, it keeps me awake at night and sends me to the toilet often, but I must admit it boosts my energy levels when I take it.

For others, there are none of the side effects I just said, and caffeine can temporarily boost energy and focus during workouts.

72. Be mindful of your wellness

Here you’ll read tons of wellness tips I put together and I hope you’ll enjoy them.

73. Join a Streetlifting group

Streetlifting is a regulated version of weighted calisthenics. The community aspect of the sport, together with the challenge it provides, can be a great addition to your fitness arsenal.

Frequently Asked Questions about Fitness Tips

1. What are fitness tips?

Fitness tips are pieces of advice or recommendations aimed at improving or enhancing one’s physical health and well-being, including exercise routines, dietary habits, lifestyle changes, and mental well-being strategies. Fitness tips are often shared by health and fitness experts or trainers, drawing from their professional knowledge and experience. They can be general, such as recommending regular exercise, or specific, like suggesting a particular type of workout for targeted muscle groups. 

2. How Can Fitness Tips Benefit Us?

When followed consistently, fitness tips can contribute significantly to improving one’s overall health and fitness.

3. What are the best fitness tips?

For me, the best fitness tips are the ones that actually work for me, so there is a lot of trial and error that you’ll need to endure until you find what works for you.

4. What are the 5 tips of fitness success?

Definitely, moving more, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean sources of non-processed protein, healthy fats and staying in a calm, peaceful, relaxed and positive state would be among my top 5 fitness tips.

5. What is the 90 / 10 rule and how will this tip improve my fitness?

Personally, I practice the 80/20 rule and shortly you’ll understand what it means. Meet Joy Bauer, the genius behind the 90/10 plan and an expert dietitian!

She’s spent years cooking up nutrition plans and has come to one delicious conclusion: there’s no magical food that’ll melt away your love handles.

But don’t be disheartened! Joy believes the secret sauce to weight loss is smart calorie counting, and that led her to create the 90/10 plan.

Picture this: your diet is a pizza, where 90% of the slices represent sensible, nutritious choices that fuel your body. On the other side, we’ve got the remaining 10% slice which stands for your guilty pleasures, your fun foods!

This tiny slice allows you to have a taste of indulgence, keeping your diet balanced and your cravings at bay. Now, that’s a plan that’s both sensible and fun, right?

The 80/20 rule applies the same principles as the 90/10 rule.

6. What are the 5 must do gym exercises?

I wouldn’t prescribe ‘must do’ exercises for anyone if the person doesn’t enjoy them because in a matter of days or weeks that person would give up and not exercise at all. You must do the exercises that you enjoy – period!

Though I would say that the 5 must do exercises should include:

1) strength training,

2) cardio

3) compound movements

4) active stretching

5) active recovery.

And in the immortal words of Looney Tunes, “That’s all folks!” 

Getting fit can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. 

The key is to start slow, set achievable goals, and find activities you enjoy. 

With these 71 super simple fitness tips from experts and trainers, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals. 

Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination. 

Keep pushing yourself, stay motivated,

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